
Are you a Victim? The antidote to Victimisation

Eloise Seidelin
May 22, 2023
3 mins

If you’ve listened to the latest Episode of Change It Podcast you would have heard Daryl talking about Victimisation. Daryl Conner a Thought Leader, Author, Public Speaker and Trusted Mentor of the Change profession speaks about how Victimisation is incredibly distructive to our Change Programs and is be coming ever prevalent in our Change Peers, Sponsors and Audiences. It’s a ‘disease’ says Daryl and it needs to be contained.

In this article Daryl shares a slice of what we discussed on the show. To hear the full episode click HERE.

What is Victimisation?

As I’m applying it here, a person displays a victim mentality when he or she feels trapped in negative circumstances with no option but to endure. Influencers are the antithesis of victims. These are people who believe they can help shape the outcome of negative circumstances by the choices they make. Some people lack the ingenuity to formulate solutions to address unpleasant situations. These are not victims. They may be in over their heads (missing the necessary intelligence and/or creativity), or just inept, but they aren’t being victimised by their circumstances. I’m not suggesting these people don’t experience adverse consequences. I’m simply saying they don’t fit the definition of “victim” I’m outlining here.

To qualify for victim status, as I’m using the term, a person must recognise that there are alternatives to pursue, but be unwilling to explore them because it would require decisions or actions they are not inclined to engage.

What are the dangers of Victimisation to the Change profession?

Victimisation is like one of those flesh-eating bacteria that have been showing up in the news recently—once embedded, it is both destructive and extremely difficult to eradicate. It can’t be treated with Band-Aids and topical creams. Interventions must go to the core of the disease and the healing process is difficult and painful.

It’s hard enough to practice our craft as strong influencers. How can we possibly be a useful resource in addressing our client’s victimisation if we manifest some degree of the same affliction? Victims can’t administer to other victims except to participate in and foster the very sense of impotence that needs to be eliminated.

I believe this challenges each of us as change practitioners to explore whether there is a victim lurking within.

How do we treat Victimisation Daryl?

Treating victimisation (whether it’s within clients or ourselves) requires a containment/vigilance strategy because it is one of those diseases that, once contracted, is difficult to fully eradicate. With sufficient courage and discipline, the mindset and behavioral symptoms can be held in check and we can remain observant for any early signs of reoccurrence. Victimization is ready to ambush us if given the slightest chance, so we can never assume a full cure and let our guard down.

As change practitioners, our role calls for us to do all we can to inhibit victim tendencies in our clients as well as ourselves, while fostering and modelling influencer thinking and behavior as much as possible.

To find out more on this topic including how to apply the Antidotes and tools to contain Victimisation listen to Daryl’s episode here.

To listen to the full episode click HERE.

If you’re interested in attending one of Daryl’s Advanced Trusted Advisor Programs please enquire HERE.

To connect with Daryl click HERE or if you have any questions on this content please email us on

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