
Pro-sigh or Pro-ski? To Prosci or not to Prosci?

Eloise Seidelin
February 24, 2023
2 mins

Correctly pronounced Pro-sigh by those acquainted with the reputable change management qualification. Prosci, the name originally derived from the combination of the words “Professional” and “Science”, was established in 1994 when the founder- Jess Hiatt compared two projects of a similar technology nature; one had failed and one had succeeded. The difference? ‘The people side’.

The course, a 3 day Change Management qualification, is now internationally recognised in over 4500 organisations. But do you need it to be a successful Change Manager? Will Hiring Managers look favourably upon applicants with Prosci? I went and spoke to two Clients from prestigious organisations to find out their views.

Client One:

When hiring, how important do you think someone having the Prosci accreditation is and why?

The concept of either having or not having the accreditation is quite an interesting one. I actually don’t feel that the accreditation is of the utmost importance and this is why. Over the past few years I have interviewed a significant number of Senior/Change Managers from a number of different industries some with the accreditation and some without. I have found with those that do have the accreditation that their overall ability as Senior/Change Manager varies not because of their accreditation but their own personal willingness to drive change through strong engagement with stakeholders. What I personally look for in Senior/Change Managers I am interviewing is that ability to connect with others, to be able to really understand how they are feeling; their willingness to take them on the journey; to help them to understand and grasp the new way of doing something or behaving differently and one that really takes time to truly understand the overall mechanics of the organisation.

What do you feel are the key benefits/take aways people get from doing Prosci?

Now heres a slight contradiction to my previous response. For those who have a deep interest in helping others to navigate their way through change, Prosci provides you with a structured approach to manage change. ADKAR is simple in its terminology and easily used with stakeholders in taking them through the journey from acknowledgement of the need for change all the way to helping them to gain the ability to implement the new required skills and behaviours. Prosci gives you a clear understanding of how to move through each stage by providing you with insights around what motivates people and what is the behaviour that drives that motivation.

Client Two:

When hiring how important do you think someone having the Prosci accreditation is and why?

It’s a minimum level requirement for Change people that we employ– all our team are Prosci certified, but if someone had a uni degree in change and no Prosci, I wouldn’t automatically not interview them. It’s important to give us a base skill set. It’s the same as Prince 2 – all our team do Prince 2 certification, but don’t necessarily follow it.

What do you feel are the key benefits/take aways people get from doing Prosci?

A formal researched methodology to follow, understanding of the science behind change management and a set of tools to use. Plus their best practice research is amazing.

Interestingly both Clients highlight similar benefits to the course providing ‘a structured approach’ and ‘formal methodology to follow’. Both Clients perceiving ‘Prosci’ as a worthwhile qualification for providing‘a base skill set’ which could assist a new entrant, career changer or someone looking to broaden their toolkit but it wouldn’t compete with years of practical Change experience or a university qualification in Change. Have you got your Prosci? How has the course helped you? I’d love to hear your view.

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